METEOR publication Ann Rheum Dis, 2023
Bergstra SA, Sepriano A, Chopra A, Winchow LL, Vega-Morales D, Salomon-Escoto K, Matthijssen XME, Landewé RBM. Country-level socioeconomic status relates geographical latitude to the onset of RA: a worldwide cross-sectional analysis in the METEOR registry. Ann Rheum Dis, 2023, 82:1018-1024.
METEOR publication Rheumatology, 2022
Dey M, Zhao SS, Moots RJ, Bergstra SA, Landewé RBM, Goodson NJ. The association between increased body mass index and response to conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug treatment in rheumatoid arthritis: results from the METEOR database. Rheumatology (Oxford), 2022, 61:713-22.
METEOR publication Rheumatology, 2021
Maassen JM, Bergstra SA, Chopra A, Govind N, Murphy EA, Vega-Morales D et al. Phenotype and treatment of elderly onset compared to younger onset rheumatoid arthritis patients in international daily practice. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2021, 60:4801-10. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keab102.
METEOR publication Rheumatology, 2021
Courvoisier DS, Chatzidionysiou K, Mongin D, Lauper K, Mariette X, Morel J et al. The impact of seropositivity on the effectiveness of biologic anti-rheumatic agents: results from a collaboration of 16 registries. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2021, 60(2):820-8.
METEOR publication RMD Open, 2020
Bergstra SA, Allaart CF, Vega-Morales D, De Buck M, Murphy E, Salomon-Escoto K, Huizinga TWJ. Body mass index and treatment survival in patients with RA starting treatment with TNFalpha-inhibitors: long-term follow-up in the real-life METEOR registry. RMD Open 2020;6:e001203.
METEOR publication RMD Open, 2019
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
Bergstra SA, Couto MC, Govind N, Chopra A, Salomon-Escoto K, Murphy E, Huizinga TWJ, Allaart CF. Impact of the combined presence of erosions and ACPA on rheumatoid arthritis disease activity over time: results from the METEOR registry. RMD Open, 2019, 5(2), e000969.
METEOR publication J Rheumatol, 2019
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
Carvalho PD, Ferreira RJO, Landewé R, Vega-Morales D, Salomon-Escoto K, Veale DJ, Chopra A, da Silva JAP, Machado PM. Association of seventeen definitions of remission with functional status in a large clinical practice cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2019, doi: 10.3899/jrheum.181286.
METEOR publication AC&R, 2019
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
If you are interested in reading the editorial regarding this paper, please click here.
Ferreira RJO, Carvalho PD, Ndosi M, Duarte C, Chopra A, Murphy E, van der Heijde D, Machado PM, da Silva JAP. Impact of patient global assessment on achieving remission in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a multinational study using the METEOR database. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2019,71:1317-25. doi: 10.1002/acr.23866
METEOR publication Ann Rheum Dis, 2019
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper please click here.
If you are interested in reading the correspondence regarding this paper, please click here, here, here and here.
Bergstra SA, Winchow L, Murphy E, Chopra A, Salomon-Escoto K, Fonseca JE, Allaart CF, Landewé RBM. How to treat patients with rheumatoid arthritis when methotrexate has failed? The use of a multiple propensity score to adjust for confounding by indication in observational studies. Ann Rheum Dis 2019, 78:25-30.
METEOR publication Front Med (Lausanne), 2018
Canhão H, Rodrigues AM, Gregório MJ, Dias SS, Gomes JAM, Santos MJ et al. Common evaluations of disease activity in rheuamtoid arthritis reach discordant classifications across different populations. Front Med (Lausanne) 2018, 8;5:40.
METEOR publication Rheumatology, 2018
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
Dekkers JS, Bergstra SA, Chopra A, Tikly M, Fonseca JE, Salomon-Escoto K, Huizinga TWJ, van der Woude D. Autoantibody status is not associated with early treatment response to first-line methotrexate in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2018, doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/key263.
METEOR publication Ann Rheum Dis, 2018
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
Bergstra SA, Branco JC, Vega-Morales D, Salomon-Escoto K, Govind N, Allaart CF, Landewé RBM. Inequity in access to bDMARD care and how it influences disease outcomes across countries worldwide: results from the METEOR-registry. Ann Rheum Dis 2018, doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2018-213289.
METEOR publication J Rheumatol, 2018
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
Bergstra SA, Allaart CF, Ramiro S, Chopra A, Silva C, Murphy EA, Landewé RBM. Sex-associated treatment differences and their outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis: from the METEOR registry. J Rheumatol 2018, doi: 10.3899/jrheum.171176.
METEOR publication Scand J Rheumatol, 2018
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
Torrente-Segarra V, Bergstra SA, Salomon-Escoto K, Da Silva J, Veale DJ, Al-Emadi S, Huizinga T. Is current smoking status and its relationship to anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies a predictor of worse response to biological therapies in rheumatoid arthritis patients? Scand J Rheumatol 2018 23:1-4.
METEOR publication RMD Open, 2017
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
SA Bergstra, A Chopra, M Salua, D Vega-Morales, N Govind, TWJ Huizinga, A van der Helm-van Mil. Evaluation of the joint distribution at disease presentation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a large study across continents. RMD Open 2017; 3(2):e000568.
METEOR publication Arthritis Research & Therapy, 2017
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
SA Bergstra, CF Allaart, R van den Berg, A Chopra, N Govind, TWJ Huizinga, RBM Landewé. Similar short term clinical response to initial treatment with high versus low dose methotrexate in mono- and combination therapy in early rheumatoid arthritis patients. Arthritis Res Ther 2017 22; 19(1):258.
METEOR Publication Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 2016
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
Bergstra SA, Machado P, van den Berg R, Landewé R, Huizinga T. Ten years of METEOR (an international rheumatoid arthritis registry): development, research opportunities and future perspectives. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2016:34(5 Suppl 101):S87-S90.
METEOR Publication RMD Open, 2016
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
Gvozdenović E, Allaart CF, van der Heijde D et al. When rheumatologists report that they agree with a guideline, does this mean that they practise the guideline in clinical practice? Results of the International Recommendation Implementation Study (IRIS). RMD Open. 2016;2(1):e000221.
METEOR Publication BMC Muscoloskelet Disord, 2016
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
Gvozdenović, E, Wolterbeek R, van der Heijde D. DAS steered therapy in clinical practice; cross-sectional results from the METEOR database. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2016;17:33.
METEOR Publication Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, 2015
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
Gvozdenovic E, Wolterbeek R, Allaart CF, Assessment of global disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis patients and physicians: differences across countries in the METEOR database. J Clin Rheum. 2015:21(7):349-354.
METEOR Publication Rheumatology, 2015
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
Navarro-Compán V, Smolen JS, Huizinga TW. Quality indicators in rheumatoid arthritis: results from the METEOR database. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2015;54(9):1630-9.
METEOR letter in the Journal of Rheumatology, 2010
In a recent study, quality indicators for monitoring patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were developed that prescribe frequent monitoring and...............click here to read the letter by Rosanne Koevoets.
METEOR Publication in the International Journal of Advances in Rheumatology, 2009
The management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis in clinical practice is a long-term task requiring frequent
patient–physician consultations to............................. click here to read the Leading article on page 44 by Cédric Lukas about METEOR in the International journal of Advances in Rheumatology, Volume 7, number 2, 2009.
METEOR Publication Clin Exp Rheumatol, 2014
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
Van den Berg R, van der Heijde D, Landewé K, van Lambalgen K, Huizinga T. The METEOR initiative: the way forward for optimal, worldwide data integration to improve care for RA patients. Clin Exp Rheum. 2014:32(5, suppl. 85):135-140.
METEOR Publication Clinical Rheumatology, 2014
If you are interested in reading the fulltext paper, please click here.
Gvozdenovic E et al. Assessment of global disease activity in RA patients monitored in the METEOR database: the patient's versus the rheumatologist's opinion. Clin Rheumatol 2014; 33(4):461-6.
The thesis booklet of Sytske Anne Bergstra, which is primarily based on research in the METEOR database, has been published online and can be accessed through the following link: https://www.gildeprint.nl/flippingbook/6986-worldwide-treatment-opportunities-of-rheumatoid-arthritis/
The thesis booklet of Emilia Gvozdenoviç, which is primarily based on research in METEOR, can be accessed through the following link: https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/handle/1887/38693
ACR 2018
Oral presentation
SA Bergstra, J Tavares-Costa, M. Garzo-Elizondo, K. Salomon-Escoto, N. Govind, CF Allaart, RBM Landewé. Disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis patients is influenced by countries' socioeconomics: results from the METEOR registry.
SA Bergstra, JA van der Pol, N Riyazi, YP Goekoop-Ruiterman, A Chopra, J da Silva, P Kerstens, W Lems, S Tsonaka, TWJ Huizinga, CF Allaart. Window or no window? Earlier is better when treating rheumatoid arthritis.
SA Bergstra, M Couto, N Govind, A Chopra, K Salomon-Escoto, E Murphy, TWJ Huizinga, CF Allaart. Impact of the joint presence of erosions and ACPA on rheumatoid arthritis disease activity over time: results from the METEOR registry.
SA Bergstra, L Winchow, E Muprhy, A Chopra, K Salomon-Escoto, JE Fonseca, CF Allaart, RBM Landewé. How to treat rheumatoid arthritis patients when methotrexate has failed? Results from the METEOR registry.
A Chopra, M Saluja, SA Bergstra, T Kianifard, A Venugopalan, TWJ Huizinga. A decade earlier-onset of symptoms of RA in the Indian (Asian) cohort compared to Dutch cohort: based on METEOR, a global database
EULAR 2018
Oral presentation
SA Bergstra, J Tavares-Costa, M. Garzo-Elizondo, K. Salomon-Escoto, N. Govind, CF Allaart, RBM Landewé. Disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis patients is influenced by countries' socioeconomics: results from the METEOR registry.
Poster tour
JS Dekkers, SA Bergstra, A Chopra, M Tikly, JE Fonseca, K Salomon-Escoto, TWJ Huizinga, D van der Woude. Autoantibody status is not associated with early treatment response to first-line methotrexate in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis.
D Courvoisier, D Mongin, M Hetland, K Pavelka, C Turesson, SA Bergstra, TK Kvien, MJ Santos, V Hernandez, F Lannone, JE Gottenberg, X Mariette, S Kubo, Y Tanaka, D Choquette, R Ionescu, A Finckh. The impact of seropositivity on the effectiveness of abatacept versus TNF inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis, real life data from several European registries (THE PAN-ABA STUDY).
EULAR 2017
Oral presentation
SA Bergstra, CF Allaart, R van den Berg, A Chopra, N Govind, TWJ Huizinga, RBM Landewé. Similar short term clinical response to initial treatment with high versus low dose methotrexate in mono- and combination therapy in early rheumatoid arthritis patients.
A Finckh et al. Does seropositivity influence differentially drug discontinuation of biologic antirheumatic agents with non-anti-tnf mode of action?

ACR 2016
Click here for the full abstract.

Please click here for the full abstract.

EULAR 2015
K. Salomon-Escoto et al. TNF inhibitor use across countries in two time periods using the METEOR database. Arthritis Rheumatol 2015; 67 (Suppl 10). For the full abstract , please click here.
ACR 2014
ORAL presentation
At ACR 2014, dr. Sparks has presented data from the METEOR database regarding the impact of obsesity on 1 year outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis patients. He concluded that obese patients with RA appear to respond to treatment and achieve treatment goals within the first year following diagnosis. Outside of this period, obese patients are less likely to reach low disease activity or disease remission. If you are interested in reading the abstract, please click here.
For the full abstract regarding a comparative study of rheumatoid arthritis disease activity indices in two populations of the METEOR database, please click here.
EULAR 2014

ACR 2012

ACR 2011

METEOR in press
Interview in the Spanish journal "Los Reumatismos", October 2010
METEOR es una revolución dentro del tratamiento de la RA” . Desde el ano 2009 reumatólogos de todo el mundo......click here to read what our Spanish country coordinator dra. Lucia Silva says about METEOR.